25 research outputs found

    Off-the-grid: Fast and Effective Hyperparameter Search for Kernel Clustering

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    Kernel functions are a powerful tool to enhance the kk-means clustering algorithm via the kernel trick. It is known that the parameters of the chosen kernel function can have a dramatic impact on the result. In supervised settings, these can be tuned via cross-validation, but for clustering this is not straightforward and heuristics are usually employed. In this paper we study the impact of kernel parameters on kernel kk-means. In particular, we derive a lower bound, tight up to constant factors, below which the parameter of the RBF kernel will render kernel kk-means meaningless. We argue that grid search can be ineffective for hyperparameter search in this context and propose an alternative algorithm for this purpose. In addition, we offer an efficient implementation based on fast approximate exponentiation with provable quality guarantees. Our experimental results demonstrate the ability of our method to efficiently reveal a rich and useful set of hyperparameter values.Comment: ECML-PKDD 202

    Heterogeneous neural networks: theory and applications

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    Aquest treball presenta una classe de funcions que serveixen de models neuronals generalitzats per ser usats en xarxes neuronals artificials. Es defineixen com una mesura de similitud que actúa com una definició flexible de neurona vista com un reconeixedor de patrons. La similitud proporciona una marc conceptual i serveix de cobertura unificadora de molts models neuronals de la literatura i d'exploració de noves instàncies de models de neurona. La visió basada en similitud porta amb naturalitat a integrar informació heterogènia, com ara quantitats contínues i discretes (nominals i ordinals), i difuses ó imprecises. Els valors perduts es tracten de manera explícita. Una neurona d'aquesta classe s'anomena neurona heterogènia i qualsevol arquitectura neuronal que en faci ús serà una Xarxa Neuronal Heterogènia.En aquest treball ens concentrem en xarxes neuronals endavant, com focus inicial d'estudi. Els algorismes d'aprenentatge són basats en algorisms evolutius, especialment extesos per treballar amb informació heterogènia. En aquesta tesi es descriu com una certa classe de neurones heterogènies porten a xarxes neuronals que mostren un rendiment molt satisfactori, comparable o superior al de xarxes neuronals tradicionals (com el perceptró multicapa ó la xarxa de base radial), molt especialment en presència d'informació heterogènia, usual en les bases de dades actuals.This work presents a class of functions serving as generalized neuron models to be used in artificial neural networks. They are cast into the common framework of computing a similarity function, a flexible definition of a neuron as a pattern recognizer. The similarity endows the model with a clear conceptual view and serves as a unification cover for many of the existing neural models, including those classically used for the MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP) and most of those used in Radial Basis Function Networks (RBF). These families of models are conceptually unified and their relation is clarified. The possibilities of deriving new instances are explored and several neuron models --representative of their families-- are proposed. The similarity view naturally leads to further extensions of the models to handle heterogeneous information, that is to say, information coming from sources radically different in character, including continuous and discrete (ordinal) numerical quantities, nominal (categorical) quantities, and fuzzy quantities. Missing data are also explicitly considered. A neuron of this class is called an heterogeneous neuron and any neural structure making use of them is an Heterogeneous Neural Network (HNN), regardless of the specific architecture or learning algorithm. Among them, in this work we concentrate on feed-forward networks, as the initial focus of study. The learning procedures may include a great variety of techniques, basically divided in derivative-based methods (such as the conjugate gradient)and evolutionary ones (such as variants of genetic algorithms).In this Thesis we also explore a number of directions towards the construction of better neuron models --within an integrant envelope-- more adapted to the problems they are meant to solve.It is described how a certain generic class of heterogeneous models leads to a satisfactory performance, comparable, and often better, to that of classical neural models, especially in the presence of heterogeneous information, imprecise or incomplete data, in a wide range of domains, most of them corresponding to real-world problems

    kernInt : A Kernel Framework for Integrating Supervised and Unsupervised Analyses in Spatio-Temporal Metagenomic Datasets

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    The advent of next-generation sequencing technologies allowed relative quantification of microbiome communities and their spatial and temporal variation. In recent years, supervised learning (i.e., prediction of a phenotype of interest) from taxonomic abundances has become increasingly common in the microbiome field. However, a gap exists between supervised and classical unsupervised analyses, based on computing ecological dissimilarities for visualization or clustering. Despite this, both approaches face common challenges, like the compositional nature of next-generation sequencing data or the integration of the spatial and temporal dimensions. Here we propose a kernel framework to place on a common ground the unsupervised and supervised microbiome analyses, including the retrieval of microbial signatures (taxa importances). We define two compositional kernels (Aitchison-RBF and compositional linear) and discuss how to transform non-compositional beta-dissimilarity measures into kernels. Spatial data is integrated with multiple kernel learning, while longitudinal data is evaluated by specific kernels. We illustrate our framework through a single point soil dataset, a human dataset with a spatial component, and a previously unpublished longitudinal dataset concerning pig production. The proposed framework and the case studies are freely available in the kernInt package at https://github.com/elies-ramon/kernInt

    Analysis of Kernel Matrices via the von Neumann Entropy and Its Relation to RVM Performances

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    Kernel methods have played a major role in the last two decades in the modeling and visualization of complex problems in data science. The choice of kernel function remains an open research area and the reasons why some kernels perform better than others are not yet understood. Moreover, the high computational costs of kernel-based methods make it extremely inefficient to use standard model selection methods, such as cross-validation, creating a need for careful kernel design and parameter choice. These reasons justify the prior analyses of kernel matrices, i.e., mathematical objects generated by the kernel functions. This paper explores these topics from an entropic standpoint for the case of kernelized relevance vector machines (RVMs), pinpointing desirable properties of kernel matrices that increase the likelihood of obtaining good model performances in terms of generalization power, as well as relate these properties to the model’s fitting ability. We also derive a heuristic for achieving close-to-optimal modeling results while keeping the computational costs low, thus providing a recipe for efficient analysis when processing resources are limited

    HIV drug resistance prediction with weighted categorical kernel functions

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    Background: Antiretroviral drugs are a very effective therapy against HIV infection. However, the high mutation rate of HIV permits the emergence of variants that can be resistant to the drug treatment. Predicting drug resistance to previously unobserved variants is therefore very important for an optimum medical treatment. In this paper, we propose the use of weighted categorical kernel functions to predict drug resistance from virus sequence data. These kernel functions are very simple to implement and are able to take into account HIV data particularities, such as allele mixtures, and to weigh the different importance of each protein residue, as it is known that not all positions contribute equally to the resistance. Results: We analyzed 21 drugs of four classes: protease inhibitors (PI), integrase inhibitors (INI), nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTI). We compared two categorical kernel functions, Overlap and Jaccard, against two well-known noncategorical kernel functions (Linear and RBF) and Random Forest (RF). Weighted versions of these kernels were also considered, where the weights were obtained from the RF decrease in node impurity. The Jaccard kernel was the best method, either in its weighted or unweighted form, for 20 out of the 21 drugs. Conclusions: Results show that kernels that take into account both the categorical nature of the data and the presence of mixtures consistently result in the best prediction model. The advantage of including weights depended on the protein targeted by the drug. In the case of reverse transcriptase, weights based in the relative importance of each position clearly increased the prediction performance, while the improvement in the protease was much smaller. This seems to be related to the distribution of weights, as measured by the Gini index. All methods described, together with documentation and examples, are freely available at https://bitbucket.org/elies-ramon/catkern

    kernInt : A Kernel Framework for Integrating Supervised and Unsupervised Analyses in Spatio-Temporal Metagenomic Datasets

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    The advent of next-generation sequencing technologies allowed relative quantification of microbiome communities and their spatial and temporal variation. In recent years, supervised learning (i.e., prediction of a phenotype of interest) from taxonomic abundances has become increasingly common in the microbiome field. However, a gap exists between supervised and classical unsupervised analyses, based on computing ecological dissimilarities for visualization or clustering. Despite this, both approaches face common challenges, like the compositional nature of next-generation sequencing data or the integration of the spatial and temporal dimensions. Here we propose a kernel framework to place on a common ground the unsupervised and supervised microbiome analyses, including the retrieval of microbial signatures (taxa importances). We define two compositional kernels (Aitchison-RBF and compositional linear) and discuss how to transform non-compositional beta-dissimilarity measures into kernels. Spatial data is integrated with multiple kernel learning, while longitudinal data is evaluated by specific kernels. We illustrate our framework through a single point soil dataset, a human dataset with a spatial component, and a previously unpublished longitudinal dataset concerning pig production. The proposed framework and the case studies are freely available in the kernInt package at https://github.com/elies-ramon/kernInt